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Paul Gregory  

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No 45 Harold 0-6-0ST

Built: 1872   Maker: Kitson   Makers’ No: 1829    Hired: 1897    Withdrawn by WC&P: 1898  Scrapped: ?


Photo reproduced with permission from The Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway by Peter Strange published by Twelveheads Press


The first engine used on the railway, Harold was hired from Mackay & Davies of South Wales. It was previously used by the Alexandra Docks & Railway (Newport & South Wales). It was only used for a matter of months, being replaced by the first Clevedon. Harold was painted bright scarlet red. Barely visible on this photo, the name HAROLD was painted on the tank side. This photo was taken on the opening day 1 December 1897. The number 45 can just be made out on the cab side, this being the hirer’s number.