No 2 Portishead
Weston Clevedon & Portishead Railway Home

Copyright © 2004-2016

Paul Gregory  

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Built: 1877  Maker: London Brighton & South Coast Railway    Makers’ No: ?      Bought: 1925

Withdrawn by WC&P: 1940    Scrapped: March 1954

Photo reproduced with permission from the Ken Crowhurst collection


This loco was the third to be named Portishead and not to be confused with the other No 2 Portishead! It was one of the Brighton Terriers, (as was No 4), formerly No 43 Gipsyhill on the LBSCR. It was bought from the Southern Railway, and was used until closure of the line. It was in LBSC black originally.

After closure, it was bought by the GWR, painted in GWR livery and renumbered No 5, while retaining its name. It was allocated to St Philip’s Marsh, for shunting and harbour duties. It was used in 1941 (with former No 4) to shunt at Portishead power station and the US Army depot at Wapley Common. It survived into the British Railways era and in December 1948 was moved to Taunton for shunting at Bridgwater docks. In January 1950 she was transferred to Newton Abbot briefly as shed pilot, then put into store at Swindon. Attempts to have the loco preserved failed and it was broken up in March 1954.

A Hornby 00 gauge model of this loco in GWR livery was produced. Details .....

An N gauge limited edition model was also produced. Details .....

No 2 Portishead 0-6-0T


No 2 Portishead